Release Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism in Top Quality
Now you can watch full Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism in HD video with duration 98 Min and was published in 2015-04-11 and MPAA rating is 0.- Original Title : Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism
- Movie title in your country : Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-04-11
- Companies of movie : Lipsync Productions, Amber Entertainment,
- Countries of movie : Philippines,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 98 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,
- Actors of movie :Emily Watson (Miss Trinklebury), Dominic Monaghan (Nockman), Raffey Cassidy (Molly Moon), Joan Collins (Nockman's Mother), Anne-Marie Duff (Lucy), Celia Imrie (Edna), Sadie Frost (Mrs. Alabaster), Sadie Frost (Mr. Alabaster), Gary Kemp (Cregg), Lesley Manville (Miss Adderstone), Omid Djalili (Barry Rix), Fern Deacon (Hazel), David Menkin (Qube Dad), Mac Pietowski (Police Officer), Tom Bell (Talent Show Judge), Grahame Fox (Shotgun)
Movie synopsis of Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism :
Best Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism in High Quality Video with movie synopsis "The film follows Molly Moon, a young orphan girl from London who comes across an incredible book of hypnotism and uses it to hypnotise her way to a show in New York. Molly then ends up becoming rich and famous, but one man has discovered her secret and decided to steal her hypnotising book. The man tracks her down all the way to New York and kidnaps her dog. To get her dog back, Molly must rob the richest bank of all its jewels." in HD quality. Watch full Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism in Top Quality by push of the download link.
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Director : Christopher N. Rowley, Screenplay : Tom Butterworth, Novel : Georgia Byng, Writer : Chris Hurford
Of course, now you can watch movie regarding Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism fully length and have the hyperlink to this video Molly Moon and the Incredible Book of Hypnotism in high definition format.
Tags: book,
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